Are you an electrician looking to illuminate your business?

Harness the potential of Facebook advertising for electricians! Say goodbye to traditional marketing methods and embrace the power of targeted online promotion to skyrocket your clientele and revenue.

Why Choose Facebook Advertising for Electricians?

Firstly, to see success online with targeted Social Media Ads you need to understand the game. That’s where we come in. At Back9 Creative, we live and breathe online advertising. And it’s not just about boosting posts – there’s a bit more to it than that!

  • Pinpoint Precision:
    Reach potential clients precisely where they are – on Facebook! Moreover, with advanced targeting options, you can connect with homeowners, property managers, and businesses in need of electrical services in your specific area.
  • Spark Engagement
    Engage with your audience through visually captivating ads showcasing your expertise, services, and satisfied customer testimonials. And therefore, let your unique selling propositions shine and attract leads like moths to a flame!
  • Budget-Friendly
    Worried about burning through your marketing budget? Fear not! With Facebook Marketing or advertising, you have full control over your spending. Whether you’re a small local business or a growing enterprise, you can set budgets that suit your needs.


What We Offer Electricians for Facebook Advertising:


  • Customised Campaigns
    Our expert team will tailor campaigns to match your unique business goals and target audience. As a result this will help ensure maximum impact and return on investment.
  • Eye-Catching Creative
  • Stand out in the newsfeed with visually stunning ad designs crafted to captivate your audience and drive action. From striking images to compelling copy, we’ll ensure your ads shine brightly.
  • Data-Driven Insights
  • Track the performance of your campaigns in real-time and receive comprehensive reports detailing key metrics. With this invaluable data, we’ll continuously refine your strategy for optimal results.


Ready to Illuminate Your Electrician Business?

Don’t let your competitors steal the spotlight! Take the first step towards electrifying success with Facebook advertising tailored specifically for electricians. Get in touch with us today to ignite your business growth and leave your competitors in the dark!

One off Lead Generation

Get leads for a specific Campaign

From $2000 per campaign

Our one-off lead generation campaigns on Facebook are your shortcut to a surge in qualified leads! Moreover, with targeted ad placements and compelling creatives, you’ll ignite interest and drive potential customers straight to your doorstep.

Say goodbye to cold calling and hello to hot leads! As a result, you can supercharge your business, so why wait? Get in touch now to spark your success!”

Facebook Ads Management

Set up and Run ads for 6 months

From $199 per month

Unlock the full potential of Facebook advertising with our ongoing managed ad campaigns! Firstly our expert team will help craft and continuously optimise your ads to ensure maximum reach, engagement, and conversions. From audience targeting to ad creative, we handle it all, as a result leaving you free to focus on what you do best – growing your business. Experience the power of consistent, results-driven marketing on Facebook. Partner with us today and watch your business soar!



Complete Social Media

From content to targeted ads

From $750 per month

Enhance your Social Media Content Plan with our dynamic Ongoing Ads and Remarketing package! In addition to captivating content, we’ll supercharge your online presence with targeted ads and strategic remarketing campaigns. Our expert team will continuously optimize your ad placements to maximize reach and conversions while remarketing efforts will keep your brand top-of-mind for potential customers. With this comprehensive package, you’ll enjoy a seamless blend of engaging content and strategic advertising, ensuring maximum impact across all social media channels. Elevate your online presence to new heights – partner with us today!”

Prices listed for these Facebook advertising packages for electricians, exclude GST and are monthly, based on a 6-month minimum contract which include setup fees.

One-off Set-up costs are additional and vary depending on goals. These can also be split monthly across the term of the agreement, Chat to us to discuss your options.

Shorter terms are available and will incur additional setup costs.

Measurable Performance
Measurable performance in Facebook advertising for electricians refers to the ability to track and analyse key metrics. For example, things that indicate the effectiveness and success of their advertising campaigns on the platform. These metrics include reach, impressions, clicks, conversions, and return on investment (ROI). By measuring performance metrics, electricians can assess the impact of their ads in reaching and engaging their target audience, as well as driving desired actions such as inquiries or bookings. This data-driven approach allows electricians to make informed decisions about their advertising strategies, optimise campaigns for better results, and as a result, achieve their business objectives more effectively.
Remarketing in Facebook advertising for electricians involves targeting individuals who have previously interacted with the electrician's website, social media profiles, or other digital content. By placing a tracking pixel on their website, electricians can create custom audiences of users who have shown interest in their services but may not have taken a desired action, such as making an inquiry or booking an appointment. Through remarketing campaigns on Facebook, electricians can re-engage these users with tailored ads, reminding them of their services, promotions, or special offers. This strategic approach aims to keep the electrician's brand top-of-mind and encourage these potential customers to return and take the desired action, ultimately increasing conversions and driving business growth.
Boosting versus Advertising
The difference between boosting posts and targeted advertising in Facebook advertising for electricians lies in their approach to reaching the intended audience. Boosting posts involves promoting existing organic content to a wider audience, typically those who already follow the electrician's page and their friends. It's a quick and easy way to increase visibility but lacks the specificity of targeted advertising. On the other hand, targeted advertising allows electricians to create customized ads that are shown to specific demographics, interests, behaviours, and locations, ensuring they reach potential customers who are most likely to be interested in their services. While boosting posts can increase general exposure, targeted advertising offers precision in audience reach, maximizing the likelihood of conversions and return on investment.
Targeted Demographics
Targeted demographics in Facebook advertising for electricians refer to the strategic selection of specific demographic characteristics. For example things such as age, gender, location, education level, job title, and household income. These allow us to tailor ad campaigns to reach the most relevant audience. By utilizing Facebook's extensive user data and targeting capabilities, electricians can refine their advertising efforts to focus on demographics that are most likely to require their services. For instance, they can target homeowners within a certain radius of their business location or professionals working in property management roles. This precision targeting ensures that the electrician's ads are seen by individuals who are more likely to have a genuine interest in their services, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.
Monthly Reporting
Monthly reporting takes all of the factors above and summarises them into one comprehensive report. Depending on the level of the plan you are on, these will be emailed or discussed in person either monthly or quarterly.

Keen to discuss other options?

These are standard packages above, however can be customised to suit your needs. We recommend a 12-month Content plan and monthly content package so as to really see the best results online! However, if you’re unsure about what you may need, a Digital Marketing Roadmap is always a great place to start, or please feel free to book a complimentary exploratory meeting below.