Finding Website Designers in Invercargill: Choosing the Right Fit for Your Business

Finding Website Designers in Invercargill: Choosing the Right Fit for Your Business

Are you looking for website designers in Invercargill?

If you’re on the hunt for web designers in Invercargill, chances are you’re looking to build or rebuild a website. In the past a website has been viewed by many as a portfolio – or a brochure. Some even say a window into your business. Well yes, this is true, but all of these are secondary functions these days.

In today’s digital age, having a well-designed website with an actual purpose is crucial for businesses of all sizes. You should view your website like a staff member.

Not only do we believe at Back9, that your website should be your best salesperson, but we also know our website is often the first impression potential customers have of your brand. That’s if it’s easy to find online of course. So your Search engine optimisation (SEO) needs to be on point for sure. And once found it needs to look appealing, user-friendly, and informative. If you’re looking to create or revamp your website in, this article will help you find and choose the best website designers in Invercargill to suit your business needs.

Start with Research

First, start your search by doing some research of your own. Look for website designers in Invercargill that are local. These may either be agencies or freelancers who specialise in web design. But beware of freelancers who say they design and build/develop websites. Web Design and Website Development are two very different things.

The most obvious form of research these days is an online search, using Google for example. In a place like Invercargill, word-of-mouth recommendations are always popular too. Everybody knows somebody right? You may even want to look at local business directories.

Once you have a list of potential website designers, assess their online presence, portfolio, and what their customers are saying about them. This’ll help you zero in on the best fit for your website.

Discuss Your Requirements and Budget

So, you’ve narrowed down your options and you’re ready to get started on your website. The next step is to reach out to designers on your shortlist. Don’t be shy, tell them about your requirements and your budget. It’s important for website designers to understand what you have to work with. And what you’d like to achieve with your website. The less guesswork they have to do, or assumptions they have to make is better for everyone involved. If you’re wondering how much does a website cost then you’re not alone. And the reality is a website can cost next to nothing, to 10’s of thousands – depending on what you need. And what it needs to do. So know that will ultimately save time and money.

Check Their Technical Expertise

When looking at web designers in Invercargill – and beyond, it’s important to choose someone with both technical expertise and an eye for usability. It’s also important to note – this is unlikely to be the same person. So an agency covering multiple disciplines may be the best option. If you want to do updates yourself then ideally they’ll be experienced in working with content management systems (CMS). These may include WordPress, Silverstripe, or Joomla. The main thing is that they can design and create engaging, responsive designs that look stunning on any device. Confirm they can handle any specific features you require, like e-commerce, stock management, or some other API integrations

Assess Their Communication and Customer Service

Effective communication is crucial when working with a website designer. Choose a designer who is responsive, friendly, and easy to work with. They should be open to your ideas, provide regular updates, and be willing to make revisions if necessary.

What ongoing services, and maintenance do they offer?

As we’ve discussed a website is like a staff member, and any good business is always looking to continually develop its people. A website is no different. In order to see success online a website needs constantly maintained to stay on top of its game. From security updates to technical SEO, content creation, and more. Don’t fall into the set-and-forget trap that so many businesses do when they get a new website. The online landscape is constantly changing and your website needs to keep up. Or even better stay ahead! You may need to choose an SEO agency or you may find an agency that offers this too – if they’re half decent – they will!

In conclusion, finding the right website designer in Invercargill involves as little or as much time as you choose. You can simply run with the top-ranking one on Google. Or you can carefully research, evaluate portfolios, discuss your requirements, and assess their technical expertise, and communication skills. At the end of the day, it’s entirely up to you, But with an understanding of what you want and talking to the right website designers in Invercargill, you can find the right fit for your business. Once you do the sky is the limit and by measuring the right things you can truly win online. Good luck!
